Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Dogs of Windcutter Down

Sheep dogs ahead! A perfect book for any dog lover, The Dogs of Windcutter Down are sure to capture your heart! In this extraordinary book, David Kennard writes simply but captivating, and you can’t help but hope that everything goes right for him.

David Kennard is a shepherd, and along with his dogs Gail and Swift they do their best to take care of their flock.

When a deadly sheep disease, foot and mouth, hits his town, David loses a lot of sheep, and less people buy sheep. He knew that sheep raising would never amount to much, and this is a huge blow to the sheep industry!

His alternate business, sheep shearing isn’t such a success either. Both of his partners were not available when David unknowingly accepted an offer to shear two hundred sheep!

On top of that, the luckless man accidentally sells his daughter’s favorite puppy!

Will David ever regain his luck?
And let's not forget his sheep, condemned by the horrible foot and mouth?

To read further, click below!

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