Monday, August 3, 2009

Writing Magic

Have you ever wished you could write well?

I’m talking like really good like National bestselling good.

Well, now you can!

In Writing Magic by Carson Gail, you can read in a funny way on how exactly you can become a fabulous writer!Practice writing little stories, write interesting beginnings, read helpful tips and get little hints. And whatever you do, always write junk!

I have always wanted to be a writer, and I would get good ideas for a story, but after a while I would find that I was forcing myself to write more, and because I was doing that, instead of simply having fun, I began to hate my work.

I would get lots of little ideas, but since I was working on something else, I wouldn’t let myself work on something else. And by the time I finished, or simply gave up, which was more often the case, I would have forgotten the idea I’d had, and then I would have to think hard and make my story be written, instead of the ideas coming to me, I had to make the ideas.

After reading Writing Magic, I am more confident in writing, and I know it’s OK to write quick little stories even if you’re working on something else. It worked wonders for me, and if you’re a wanna-be writer it will help you too!

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